As a responsible organization, Limak Renewable Energy aims to create a sustainable work environment and integrate sustainability principles into its activities, daily operations, and strategy. The company’s approach to sustainability goes beyond legal obligations.
Sustainability Reports
Limak Renewable Energy adopts an approach that considers global initiatives and standards, natural resources, environmental sustainability, social and economic impact, and the needs of future generations.
The company focuses on climate change issues and supports sustainability by prioritizing renewable energy sources, minimizing natural resource consumption, and supporting biodiversity initiatives. By evaluating the environmental, social, and economic impact, shareholders’ expectations, and its corporate strategy, the company has developed a strong sustainability culture.
Limak Renewable Energy conducts carbon and origin certification processes in line with international standards for all its power plants. The company is committed to raising climate change awareness and environmental sensitivity, proactively taking action in biodiversity monitoring activities, and tracking water and carbon footprints. These efforts are central to the company’s corporate culture and strategy.
Impact-Oriented Business Model
Guided by strong ethical principles, we adhere to the best practices of environmental, social, and corporate governance. Our governance, compliance, health, and safety procedures are modern, progressive, and professional. Our organizational structure, journey, good governance policies, and clear processes enable us to undertake challenging and ambitious projects across various sectors.
Carbon Assets
Renewable Energy contributes to carbon emission reduction for a cleaner and
more livable future by continuing its environmental and social investments
through sustainable practices. As of December 31, 2023, emission reduction
certificates have been issued under the Cercarbono Standard
("Cercarbono") for the company’s Çetin Dam and HEPP, Buharkent GPP,
Buharkent Hybrid SPP, APA SPP, and Gönen SPP power plants. These certificates
are registered in the EcoRegistry, recognized by the World Bank. Additionally,
emission reduction certificates have been developed under
the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) for the Alkumru Dam and HEPP, Tatar HEPP,
and Pembelik Dam and HEPP plants, and are registered in the Verra Registry.
Corporate Leadership
We support our operations with strong group-wide policies on the environment, ethics, and anti-corruption. All our policies comply with legal requirements and are updated when necessary.